5 Element Yoga Series – Earth Vinyasa with Diane Rostaing (7 Days Access)

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Stay grounded and be secure with yourself. Earth is the most basic of all the 5 elements. It teaches us to be strong, stay rooted, and hold our ground. When we feel weak and exhausted, it is most likely because there’s an imbalance in the earth’s energy within us. The Earth Vinyasa class aims to build strength and stability and includes balancing poses and breathing techniques for grounding.


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The 5 Elements of Yoga series aims to help participants find inner balance and harmony through balancing and cleansing asanas on five consecutive mornings that represent the basic elements of nature.

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Stay grounded and be secure with yourself. Earth is the most basic of all the 5 elements. It teaches us to be strong, stay rooted, and hold our ground. When we feel weak and exhausted, it is most likely because there’s an imbalance in the earth’s energy within us. The Earth Vinyasa class aims to build strength and stability and includes balancing poses and breathing techniques for grounding.
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