5 Element Yoga Series – Water Vinyasa with Sasha Gautama (7 Days Access)

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Soothe your mind and cleanse your soul. The element of water teaches us to search deep and connect with our inner selves. When the water element is unbalanced, we’ll be more prone to addiction as we are repressing our most honest emotions. The Water Vinyasa class aims to transform the stiffness of both our bodies and minds. It includes rhythmic flow, invoking awareness of the wave quality that is needed for tranquility.


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The 5 Elements of Yoga series aims to help participants find inner balance and harmony through balancing and cleansing asanas on five consecutive mornings that represent the basic elements of nature.

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Soothe your mind and cleanse your soul. The element of water teaches us to search deep and connect with our inner selves. When the water element is unbalanced, we’ll be more prone to addiction as we are repressing our most honest emotions. The Water Vinyasa class aims to transform the stiffness of both our bodies and minds. It includes rhythmic flow, invoking awareness of the wave quality that is needed for tranquility.
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