Saya menyelesaikan ttc yoga dg Denise Payne th 2015 dan 2016.
Selain itu saya jg berlatih asthanga yoga dengan berbagai guru.
Saya mengajar vinyasa dan hatha yoga dengan metode iyengar. jadi tetap memperhatikan detail dan alignment. selain itu sesekali saya mengajar asthanga.
Saya pengajar yoga aktif di goldsgym sejak tahun 2009 hingga skrg. Selain mengajar di studio dan perkantoran, selama pandemi saya mengajar online via zoom.
Yoga is a wellness activity that widely practiced for health and relaxation that includes breath control, simple meditation, and adoption of specific bodily postures.
Ashtanga yoga is a tradional yoga, with progressive series of postures synchronizes with breath. There are three key principles of Ashtanga yoga: breath, drishti (focal point) and the asana. Ashtanga yoga is rather vigorous exercise and perfect for one who want dynamic and intense yoga practice.
Hatha yoga is perfect for beginners who just started yoga practice. Hatha is the the umbrella term of all physical posture in yoga. It focuses on total mastery of physical body (bodily function included), activating chakras, and promoting spiritual and physical wellness.
Iyengar yoga is practice of precision and alignment. In Iyengar method poses are held much longer in order to pay closer attention to precise alignment. Props such as belts, chairs, and blankets are required and those used to show how to move into a posture properly.
Style of yoga that links movement with breathing. It encourages self reflection and mindfulness. Vinyasa yoga sometimes is described as freestyle Ashtanga yoga because it has no fixed system of movement.
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